
Welcome to the NEW and IMPROVED FTSC website. We have rearranged things to make the site more useful and to make it easier to find out what’s going on with our many programs and events. Above you see a menu bar with drop-down menus related to our major functions. There is a lot of historic info as well as links to the current board and documents under “About“. “Join” takes you to a page with information of how to join us and get involved. “Play Soccer” lists all of our various opportunites to play on league teams, pick up, our own Summer of Freedom league, and tournaments, as well as links to other GLBT soccer clubs. “Social Events” lists our main recurring social events including the annual meeting, Thanksgiving events, and United Night Out. “Service Activities” will have info on our community service opportunities. The “Calendar” link takes you to a calendar of all upcoming events.This main page will be the place for latest news, latest league results, tournament results, pick up news or changes, etc  as you see below. The aim will be to keep everything up to date and frequently updated. So check back often!We hope you will enjoy our new site and that it will help you find what you are looking for quickly and easily. Some pages are still a bit under construction. If you have any questions about the new website feel free to contact Glenn


FTSC League Round Up


FTSC Sweeps NY Indoor!